We continue the Great Brain Note Taking Series. This month we feature a dashing young Thomas Edison on the cover and some information on his note taking techniques.
‘...Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. - Paul J. Meyer
There can be little doubt that most of us strive to carry out our job roles in the most productive ways possible. Our responsibility to our customers, to our organisation, to our colleagues and even ourselves, drives the need to ensure we optimise our time and efforts in all aspects...'
‘...Recently, data has taken a leading role in driving business innovation success. According to Forbes, 2014 was the year that leveraging analytics went mainstream in the enterprise. Figures from Gartner suggest that over $44 billion was spent on it last year alone. Naturally, CEOs have relied heavily on their Chief Information Officers (CIO) to make this work for them.
However, 2015 marks a move from the information economy to the innovation economy...'
‘...Mind mapping software can be an excellent tool to gather, organize and synthesize your research. It enables you to discover a totally new topic and let the structure of your information evolve as needed.
Why is this? Because mind maps enable you to take notes in a non-linear manner – they can develop in all directions, depending on your discoveries. Mind mapping software enables you to discover a totally new topic without the need for a structure in the first place...'
'We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.Henry Longfellow'
This article is part of an 8 part series to help you develop more confidence in the pursuit of your goals.
‘…What is a Self-Concept?
A self-concept is an understanding you have of yourself that’s based on your personal experiences, body image, the thoughts you have about yourself, and how you tend to label yourself in different situations.
A self-concept can also be defined as an all encompassing awareness you had of yourself in the past; the awareness you have of yourself in the present; and the expectations you have of yourself at a future time...'
‘...Nestle is a multinational food and beverage producer, based in Switzerland. The firm currently has the 69th highest revenue in the world, generating $98,484m worth of sales in 2012. Nestle sell over 8,000 brands, ranging from bottled water to pet food, of which 29 brands have sales of approximately $1 billion.
So how does Nestle solve the challenge of allocating resources among all those products?...'
‘...Employers today want workers who can think three steps ahead – solving problems, anticipating needs, seeing patterns and making creative connections.
They want people who aren’t satisfied being automatons – doing just what they’re told and no more.
They want people who are indispensable.
If you’re looking for a tool that can help you accelerate your productivity, creativity and effectiveness – to be indispensable – then it’s time to take a closer look at mind mapping software...'
...In her brand new book, The Successful Virtual Office In 30 Minutes, award-winning author Melanie Pinola shows how telecommuters, consultants, freelancers and all other types of remote workers can set up and maintain a high-performance virtual office.
MindMeister is one of her top recommended tools for visual project planning, but there are also a ton of other amazing resources and productivity tips that you absolutely shouldn’t miss...'
MeisterTask on iPhone and iPad
‘… Our new mobile app for iOS is a perfect companion or even alternative to MeisterTask’s web app. Basically, everything you can do in MeisterTask’s online version you can also do on your iPhone or iPad: set up projects, manage tasks, upload images, leave comments and collaborate with your colleagues in real-time.
Of course, all changes you make in the app are instantly visible across all devices...'
Biggerplate founder Liam Hughes welcomes attendees and talks about what has been learned from 2 years of #BPUN Conferences...
See this and other videos from the London Conference...
Present and share your ideas with the world through interactive mind maps...
I really hope you love this issue of Using Mind Maps Magazine, and if you find it useful, please share.
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