Using Mind Maps Magazine Issue 36

Editor’s Note

By Faizel Mohidin

Your first This issue marks the 3 year anniversary of Using Mind Maps Magazine. I can’t believe how the time has flown. I’ve been slowly and surely chipping away at it, hopefully delivering lots of value along the way.

Using Mind Maps Magazine will continue to bring you tips, tools, techniques and resources by Mind Mapping Experts, Vendors and Enthusiasts - Free to your smartphone or tablet.

As I am a small, self-fundend independent publishing house, mass exposure has not been possible.

Therefore, all I ask is that you spread the word. One or two emails to a friend, telling them about the magazine could help a lot.

A link on your website could make a big difference…

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The Law of Opposites: Choosing Not to be Average

By Adam Sicinski

“...The Law of Opposites states that the path to success requires going against the norm. It requires doing the unpopular, the unreasonable, and the unorthodox. Moreover, it requires being the exception to the rule and not following standard and accepted practices, traditions, and rituals.

The Law of Opposites suggests that the only way you will ever achieve the success you desire to create in your life is to walk a different path to the masses. In other words, it means to do the opposite to the average person — to zig when others zag…"

From Collecting Dots to Connecting Dots: Using Mind Maps to Improve Memory and Learning

By MindMeister

“...Mind maps can improve memory and learning by helping students transition from collecting dots to connecting dots. This post—which was adapted from a talk given by  at Biggerplate Unplugged 2016—examines the importance of learning how to learn. It provides a short overview of principles of memory and learning and effective learning techniques, and demonstrates how students can use mind maps to become more effective learners…"

How a mind map can accelerate and improve your writing process

By Chuck Frey

“...Did you know that mind mapping software can be a powerful tool for planning and outlining your writing projects? You can not only use it to visually outline your next report, white paper, book or other large writing project – you can also export it to Microsoft Word, saving you many hours of time.

During the export process, topics are converted into heading styles and topic notes become paragraph text. Other mind map elements can also be incorporated into the export process. Utilizing this method is a very productive way to help you write faster and more cohesively than you ever thought possible…"

How to do a SWOT Analysis

By iMindQ

“...A SWOT analysis is a way to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats inherent in your business, project or team. It’s a good way to start a strategy session as it opens up plenty of discussion and prompts you and your team to think creatively about the types of challenges facing the organization.

You don’t need anything special to do a SWOT analysis. Mind mapping software helps when you come to present your results, but you can equally note down your answers in the first instance on paper. You can work alone or with your team, or separately and then bring your individual ideas together to the group for further discussion. It’s a very flexible yet structured way of brainstorming…” 

Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid

By Tarek Fahmy

“...Some leaders focus mainly on meeting target dates and getting things done (concern for task/results). Others, focus mainly on satisfying their employees (concern for people). The two approaches are important and leaders should use different approaches depending on the situation.

A good tool to show the different leadership style is the Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid. It was developed in the early 1960s by management theorists Robert Blake (died 2004) and Jane Mouton (died 1930)…"

BPUN16: Mind Mapping for Tomorrow's Doctors

By Biggerplate

“...This week we fondly reminisce about the outstanding talk given by Pablo Burton at our Unplugged Conference in March. Pablo co-founded USMLE Mindmaps to "serve as the ultimate companion for preparation for the USMLE examinations" taken by medical students. He has also worked as a medical advisor for Kaplan Medical and continues actively coaching medical students on how to implement efficient study techniques to prepare for their medical examinations…"

Freemind maps now supported on Biggerplate!

By Biggerplate

“...We're excited to announce that you can now share Freemind maps on the Biggerplate mind map library, meaning even more people from around the world can now share their mind mapping creations!…"

What’s new in iMindQ 8.0 for Windows

By iMindQ

“...iMindQ allows you to combine its unique mode of presenting ideas in a mind map with your already finished PowerPoint presentations. Depending on your needs, there are several options to import the content of the PowerPoint presentation in a mind map. When you have complex presentations with complex design, rich with different images, shapes, tables and other content, it is nice to use the option to import the presentation in which each slide is imported as an image…"

And More...

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Your Feedback

The first phase was to set up a scalable infrastructure that could deliver a well formatted interactive digital magazine seamlessly and easily to you.

The next phase is to find out what you would like to see, or what your problems are so that you are always getting relevant content.

Some of the best Mind Mapping Minds and Software vendors are featured in the magazine. So, if I don’t have an answer, I’m sure one of them will.

So, email me right now with what you would like to see in the Mag. I’ll be waiting...

Faizel Mohidin
Using Mind Maps Magazine

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